Saturday, August 15, 2009

Thoughts and musings

The paper is nearly finished. All I have yet are making my final edits and then handing it in. I will wait until this evening to do so. In the meantime, a beer and some thoughts.

This blogging thing has not taken off for me this semester. I don't know why. Usually I am able to easily put thoughts down into words, but this semester was another story. Perhaps it was the shakeup of life given the move and all ... I don't really know. What I can say, is that this has been a journey.

I was reflecting a bit this morning about what the Karen's said about the nature of qualitative research. It would seem the beauty is in the story -- in the text staring us in the face, yet we cannot seem to put to words the nature of this beauty in a way that does the beauty justice. Is that a commentary on the story, or the storyteller? My bet is on the latter.

The Karens pus to eloquently that which I was trying to achieve with this paper. Their idea of storytelling is actually somewhat inspiring as I have worked on the final draft of my paper. My problem, is that I had such "little" time to experience the story itself. Such a bummer about the nature of classroom learning! What if we truly evaluated our learning? Oh how a standard semester would die and whither. Wouldn't Tagg be so happy?!

Where does this leave me? Oh lonely me! My bent is still quantitative -- or at least my comfortability. Yet I think I have made room in my heart for qualitative. Room for the thoughts, the fears, and the story. The story. This is the heart of it all. What story shall next be told?